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How to Survive the Holidays Both Professionally and Personally

The Holiday season brings time off, visits with friends and family, stress, obligation, and exhaustion.

This time of the year, I like to remember something Oprah Winfrey said, “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” During the holidays, I believe the struggle for many of us is between how things should look like instead of the quality or intention of the thing itself.

So here are 3 steps for surviving, enjoying, and being grateful during the holidays:  (more…)

Do You have the Makings of a Great Leader?

Today leadership is challenged more than ever. However, I believe at times we get away from the foundational principles. The following are 12 characteristics that I learned through the teachings of the Lakota people: (more…)

What is compassion and why is it important in the workplace?

Compassion is the ability to listen, understand, acknowledge the emotional state of another person or oneself.

Emotions are tricky and messy and we all try to avoid that uncomfortable state at work. It is interesting that for every situation we encounter we will have an emotional reaction. The brain will analyze and assess for meaning and purpose however it is possible that once an emotional response is identified it may take a short cut before the brain fully understands what is happening. (more…)

I Want an Omelet without Eggs; 3 Steps to Reframing What You Do Want

I was at a networking lunch the other day and someone was telling a story about a friend who was at a restaurant ordering breakfast. She looked at the menu and stated “I want an omelet without eggs.” When she said this, we all looked around the table a bit confused and began to laugh, trying to figure out what she really wanted.

Thanks to a great waitress who had the customer focus on what she did want; she discovered she wanted all the other elements in the omelet and the skillet breakfast was the want. Which by the way, was on the menu. (more…)